Saturday, October 29, 2011

Project 3b conclusions

Naomi Faison

Studio Practice 1

Amy Campos

Project 3c


Over all, I think everyone has major improvements to make:

Presentation quality- order and consistency of worked pinned on wall, labels, making sure things are at an appropriate eye level for viewing.

Amount of work presented: Including sketches, making sure important details such as material, dimensions, and human scale are included.

How the design will function: Considering different ways the design can be used, how well it will actually work in designated are? Where else can it function? What changes can we make to our designs so that it can have multiple uses? Considering small details such as wheels and locks.

For my project in particular I need to adjust my storage system by making my storage compartments functional once rolled away from table, and putting compartments in the storage bens. I need to improve my presentation by providing more detailed explanations of my design through montages, sketches, photos, and labels.

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