Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nikolas Weinstein Lecture

I found the lecture to be very inspirational because although Nikolas is not technically a interior designer but he manages to adds structures to space that define it. I enjoyed the fact that he takes these fine art structures and apply them to architecture and interiors to create a a whole other element of light and texture and space. I also appreciate the fact that he has no formal training but managed to become so remarkable in the field, it shows true dedication and talent.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Revised Project 3c

Project 3c: Program Brief



- Check in area (need a place to seat)

- Computer equipment (online check-in)

- Well organized system (for documentation and equipments)

- Security (cameras equipments: for safe living)

- Good lighting

- More outlets needed

- Good ventilation (needs to have windows because a lot of equipments are maintained)

- Only one entrance for security concern

Office Storage:

- No windows

- Good for storage office utensils

- One door (easy to control circulation)

Library/ resource center:

- Reading area

- Storage books and documents

- Job finding resource center

- Good lighting

- Good ventilation

Medical Room:

- Two entrances ( convenient for stuffs to check out patient)

- Should be quiet, easy to access if emergency happens

- Should be place next to sleeping area

Dining Room/living room:

- Easy circulation

- Bigger space required for more people to eat at the same time

- social place

- only using at night

- television

- gather space

- reading (if library is closed)

Sleeping Area:

- Can also access to medical room

- Singular program

- Storage for personal items

- Private space

- Soft lighting

- Good ventilation

- Heater for winter

- Quiet space

- Outlets for charging personal electric products


- Toilet, sinks, shower space

- Laundry

- Good ventilation


- Waiting space

- Social space

- Relaxing space

- Leisure activity

- Can also be dining space if the weather is allowed

- Open area


- Only for weekend using

- Worship

- Bigger space

- Separated from DHP program

- Clean and sacred

Project 3c #1

1. The presentation should be clear without verbal presentation.

2. The diagrams should indicate dimensions or add a human figure so it’s clear to understand the storage scale.

3. Drawings need to have 3 line weights (thicker/thinner, dot line/ hatching line, or dash line indicate movements).

4. Label the drawings.

5. Clear information.

6. High quality presentation.

7. More diagrams can help viewers have a better understanding of the design.

8. Presentation well organized is important!

9. Should be formal as possible.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Project 3c Revised Part 3 and 1 of Part 5

program matrixs

Revised Project 3c


in class wrting assignment & brief

In-class Writing Assignment

1. I am interested in the work that provides people convenient service and make it home. People need their own personal space and also public space to communicate with other. I would like to focus on organization of space and also change the texture, lighting condition of this work.

2. I always do some research before I need to do a project, I can learn some elements from others work and also think about why this project need to use this kind of elements or material, is there some elements I can use to my own works.

3. For this semester, my goal is that find my own strategies to make a model or design a project. Also I can find a way to get inspirations to my projects. I want to learn how to relate people activities to the space. I think I need to organize my ideas of a project.

4. In 5 years, I would like to do Hotel design. Hotel design is multiple demands challenge for me.

5. The characters of work in this semester can earn A: I think the work should be functional and creative. The presentation of the work should be clear.

6. I think it is functional and useful.

7. Improve the quality of the space such as color texture, organization of the space. Courtyard should be more plant. Increase accesses to different spaces. Dining room should be changed. And the ceiling of the sleeping room should be changed. And no paper on the windows. All storage such as locker, closets should be changed. Seats in the main entrance, and trashcans should be changed.

8. I think the most valuable thing is convenient for people and make it like a home for people. I will change the lighting and texture of this space. And clarify the space into public and private space.

9. I will clarify the space into public and private space. The public space provides opportunity to people to communicate with others, visit others. The private space provides people to relax such as reading, sleeping, bathing, and showering. I think the organization of a space is the most important. And also I will change the lighting , texture, color of this space.

Program activities brief

Office/ storage


Hallway: waiting people: seating

Check-in: computer

Control center: overview

Storage: staff personal items; items for shelter

Electronics: computer


Documents; books

Reading space

Mission Kids/ Living room:

Mission kids: weekday

Storage: toys, kids items

Living room:

Sofa: visit, guest, social, conversation

Reading space

Sleeping room

Hallway: waiting people


Sink: soap dispensers

Storage: cloths; personal items

Dressing: private

Electronics: mobile phone


Hallway: waiting people; storage: cloths, towels.


Bathing: toilets; stalls; sink; mirrors toilet paper dispensers

Showering: shower stalls; towels; soap dispensers; curtains; hair dryer

Dressing: Clothes hanger

Laundry: Drying

Electronics: hair dryers





Church/Dining room: large space

Church service: worship (Sunday)


Sink: wash hand

Eating: chairs, tables

Bath room: toilet

Storage: locker personal items

Electronics: refrigerator; TV

Friday, November 4, 2011

revised program matrix

projects revisions



In-class Writing Assignment

Yu-Ning Lin

Amy Campos

Studio Practice 1

In-class Writing Assignment

1. Please describe your work and what you think is unique about your style or particular focus.

I am interested in the relationship between the homeless people and the society. I want to design a space that will let the homeless people feel that they are not leave out, they are part of the society, and they are not in a lower class. I hope the space can actually provide confidence to the homeless in order for them to achieve a better living when they move out the shutter. The unique about my design is to solve the “real problem” of the city. Homeless in San Francisco is a serious problem, if the root of the problem cannot be settled, then number of homeless people will only increase.

2. Who or what inspires you and your work?

Both of my parents are businessman and woman, they have no interest in art or design. Since businessman only care about their profits, designers in general do not gain any personal profit, on the other hand, they offer other people benefits, and that’s is why I want to be a designer. The word “utopia” inspired me of my designing direction, and I wonder how I can design a world that is close to a utopia, I cannot design the world I want, but I can change the world I want it to be.

3. Please describe your goals for your work this semester. What would you like to achieve while studying interior design.

My goal is to learn whatever the teacher can provide in the classes, and to find out what is my own design strategy and system. While studying interior design, I want to find out any potential possibility of interior design.

4. Where do you hope to be, professionally, in 5 years?

Cooperate with my architecture friend and explore all the fun in design.

5. What characteristics of work this semester do you think would earn an A in this class?

Show the passion and interest in the class, superego, try the best we can, and be in class on time.

6. Is there anything else you think we should know about you regarding your design aspirations?

Actually I am interested in not only interior but also furniture, industrial, jewelry, graphic and so on. I love design, I want to learn everything about design, and if I have a chance, I want to combine all the designs together into a project.

7. What does DHP need from us?

They need us to design a better living space and more reasonable human living style.

8. What do you think is the most valuable thing you can offer DHP as a designer?

To higher the homeless class level in the society, changing the relationship between the shutter, the homeless people and the society. Make the housing program does not look like housing program.

9. How do you think you can help better the DHP facility? Describe specific strategies and goals.

Organize the space cohesively, I want the shutter looks like is designed by a designer not only a shutter. For example, the color tone, texture and furniture. I don’t think the blue fit to the shutter because it gives a sense of cold. Shutter should looks like a home, when people go home, they always expect having a warm and relax feeling to the space.



Project 3b

1. The drawings can have better composition in the paper.
2. Drawings of unit plan, section can be bigger in order to see the thickness of the material.
3. Have more than 1 model of the units to see how they modulate in space.
4. The Units can be oriented in different ways to activate the surrounding area.
5. Pay attention to the organization of the presentation on the wall - eye level.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

DHP Model Team: Grace, Ivy, Jeanell

Project 3b

Jamie Lee
Studio Practice 1
Amy Campos
Project 3c #1

The Dolores Housing Program has many issues that can be easily fixed with a few adjustments. One of the main issues at DHP is the organization of the storage units. Because there are limited storage rooms and units, some things such as laundry and dishes are stored in open space. To fix this problem, I came up with an idea of using the library as another storage space and utilizing the dining area as a library and dining space.
By using the legs of the dining tables as book shelves, the table becomes a storage unit for multiple purposes. A person can sit, eat, wait, socialize, and read at that table by taking up less room.

During the pin-up, I lacked formal presentation and final ideas and drawings on vellum. Overall, the class needs improvements on having the drawings and diagrams speak for themselves. Providing the different uses and all possible functions is important to deliver, which everyone can be further develop. To deliver the specifics, we should also consider using the human scale to show how the unit can be utilized. All of our storage units can be further investigated in design and functions for improvements.

SP, 1 DHP Storage Charette Conclusion

The charette for a storage unit that also addresses the design problem of waiting to begin an activity concluded by identifying some basic areas, which need attention to detail.

These areas are:

Proportion and scale: this means the relationship between the size of the storage unit and the human figure and how comfortable they would be when they need to sit on or lean against the unit.

We need to be aware that we give functional clarity through the use of text with labels, or diagram how the unit is intended to be used.

We need to recognize whether the unit is actually able to be moved if that is what we intended, once the individual has put their belongings inside to store – for example: would you really want to turn your items on their side and push them around.

Activation of space – this refers to how your unit engages with and relates to the space or spaces it offers program solutions to – for example if you can sit on your storage unit can you turn or reconfigure the seating to face different directions, get different views or physically move into other spaces.

We need to be sure to provide enough information for the viewer or client to visually understand the unit modulates, moves, or stores items. We must consider that we will not be there to verbally explain our design goals and realize that our design goal needs to be our ability to communicate the objective without having to speak it. This offers a more tangible understanding for our client or viewer.

Employing the strategies we are armed with such as how light, texture, and volume affect the quality of a space and how we can document that through photography, sketch, diagram, collage, and modeling.

Very important, too, is the format and layout of our presentation/proposal. We need to be aware of things like hierarchy of important features/issues, and things like placement of the wall – is it eye level or does the view have to squat or squint to see your proposal. Is it dark enough – remember line quality and that hatching suggests hierarchy in terms of level of importance and what you want the viewers focus to be. There needs to be correspondence between drawings – a relationship from one drawing to the next.

We need to be aware that we are not getting caught up in what we want to designer over what the client needs. If we are deciding on a fixed size and shape of storage we need to find out if the person the unit is designed for has belongings that would work well with that size/shape.

DHP Model Team: Naomi Falson, Alison Hsu, Tiffany Blaylock