Thursday, November 3, 2011

Project 3b conclusions written response

For visual presentation on the wall, choice of paper is important. Use vellum or white paper and use different thickness of pencils or ink to show what is more important in sketches. For site plan, indicate scale, context around to give necessary information, use different line weight and show which direction is north. Always check spelling, consistent in colors in diagrams. Be clearer on precedents; they should have relations to my storage idea- how I got inspirations from. The scale of storage comparing to the site is important. Think of how the storage will affect the space, including the human scale and experience. In photomontage, storage shouldn’t be cut off; it’s important to show the whole thing and Photoshop in a correct scale, perspective. It would be helpful to put a human to show how he can use the storage to convince my idea. People can be positioned in different postures- sitting, standing or leaning against the storage.

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