Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Architecture for Humanity Lecture

I really enjoyed this lecture because every project Cameron had shown us tell its own stories. I am inspired by how little the organization have (budget-wise) and how much they have created. Their design intentions all started with one idea: Help people. It's no longer about how grand a building is or how much it costs but it's about the functionality of each building and considering the needs of each community. They were considering how to improve the quality of life and living for the less fortunate people. People that had to experience natural disasters etc. A quote that I really like was when he said "as architects we want people to inhabit in our buildings," I guess my interpretation of that is what's the point of a building if it isn't for the human body? Then we'd be star gazing everyday with gravel as our king size mattresses and tree trunks replacing our fine feather pillows.
Overall, It's an inspirational lecture thus, it really opened my eyes on seeing how designs can really benefit humanity as little as an individual and as much as the whole world.

"Design with an open heart, design like you give a damn."
-Cameron Sinclair

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